Plus many more titles! Search the HMS Library catalog (Alexandria) by clicking on icon in center column.
Eternal Egypt -- Animations, webcams, zoomable pictures and so much more!
Explore Ancient Egypt -- Highly interactive site allowing you to walk around the Sphinx, seek out the pharaoh's burial chamber and much more
Explore the Pyramids -- an interactive adventure
NeoK12 -- Videos, games and more, all about Ancient Egypt Egypt -- an extensive site with information on art, architecture, daily life and much more
Egypt's Golden Empire (from PBS) -- includes some fantastic videos, a virtual library, and how to create your name in heiroglyphs
The British Museum -- information on Gods & Goddesses, Mummification, Egyptian life, Temples, Pyramids, Pharoahs, Geography, Time, Trades
Image of pyramid copyrighted by & found at Egyptian Picture Gallery.